Our Sampraday


Pushtimarg : A Ved marg:

According to Shreemad Vallabhacharyaji, following are some of apshri’s teachings and principles about Ved marg:

According to Shree Bhagwatarth Prakaran (9,33 Subodhiniji): Shree Mahaprahuji compares the Vedas to the enlighted swaroop of Shree Bhagwan. Vedas enlightens the swaroop of bhagwan and is compared with Shree Prabhu’s Pitambar. Just like the rays of sun enlightens and makes the view of sand clearer, same way, Vedas makes us to know the swaroop of bhagwan clearer.

  • Vedas are given simile of Kalptaru by Shree Mahaprabhuji.
  • Vedas have two kandas i.e. Gyan kand and Yagya kand. These both kandas supports each other and not have to be taken independently. (Bha gwatarth Prakaran, 1,1, Subodhini)
  • Vedas are the Naam Shrusti of ParBrahm. Vedas are Sanatan and Nitya. They appear and disappear but are never created and destroyed.
  • Vedas have Shaakhas i.e. Branches. The objective of different Branches is described by Shree Vallabhacharyaji in Bhagwatarth Prakaran (3,21 Subodhini)
  • According to Sarvaniryana Prakaran of Shree Acharyaji, ‘Those who want to lead a truthful and devout life (Dharma-acharan) must abstain from those who criticize Vedas and do not believe in Vedas. (Sarvanirnaya Prakaran)
  • Ved Marg is protected by those who implements the teachings of Vedas and lives their life according to Vedas. Brahmins are regarded as Adhibhautik Swaroop of Vedas and thus Brahmins are regarded as the protector of Vedas.
  • The three sadhans to know Vedas are 1. Bhagwad Prasad 2. Tap 3. Ved yukti, from which Bhagwad Prasad is most important.
  • The meaning of Vedas must be understood only on the basis of ‘Sabda Vichar’ and not on false logic. The meaning of the words of Vedas must be interpreted according to the meaning of ‘Dhaatu’ and “Shabdas’ by Paani and other Shabdacharyas. False imaginations and logic is forbidden in interpreting Vedas.

Shuddha-advaita Pushtimargiya Vangmay Classification:

  1. Praman Granthas
  2. Pramey Granthas
  3. Sadhan Granthas
  4. Fal Granthas

Praman Granthas section:

Shree Vallabhacharyaji has accepted following as pramanas:

  1. Veda Chatustay: Consisting Samhita, Mantra sections and Upanishads.
  2. Shree Krishna Vakya: Shreemad bhagwad Geetaji
  3. Vyas Sutras (Brahmsutras), Uttar Mimansa
  4. Samadhi Bhasa (Shreemad Bhagwat Mahapuran)
  5. Other shastras that are coherent, compatible and consistent with the above four shastras.

Shreemad Vallabhacharyaji is the only acharya who focused on the significance and importance of Shreemad Bhagwat Mahapuran which enjoys the unique position in shastras. Shreemad Bhagwat Mahapuran, which is considered as to be originated from the ‘Samadhi’of Shree Ved Vyas, is also known as ‘Nigam Kalpataru Fal’ i.e. the ripe fruit of Ved rupi kalpataru.Vedas are Kalpatura (i.e. Divine tree) and Shreemad Bhagwat is the ripe fruit of this tree i.e. it’s the essence of entire Vedas. Shreemad Vallabhacharyaji is the first and the only acharya who gave a respectable position to Shreemad Bhagwat Mahapuran in the level of Vedas to be considered as one of the ‘Pramanas’ in Shuddha-advaita Darshan.

Shreemad Vallabhacharyaji proclaimed the ‘Shuddha-advaita’ siddhant in such a way so as to interprete all shastras consistently and coherently. Shreemad Vallabhacharyaji orders in Shastrarth Prakaran about the Four Pramanas of his darshan. Further apshri orders that Doubts originating from Vedas must be resolved by reading Shreemad Geetaji, doubts originating from Shreemad Geetaji must be resolved by reading Brahmsutras and doubts originating from Brahmsutras must be resolved by reading Shreemad Bhagwat Mahapuran.

Thus Shree Mahaprabhuji accepts ‘Shabda Pramanas’.

What is a “Sampraday” (sect)? (Based on: Satsiddhantmartand by Pt. Gattulalaji)

The essence of Vedas derived by Shree Hari's devotees like Brahma, Rudra etc. demigods, which is received through the heritage (parampara). This includes, giving the mantra etc, which results into the liberation of soul, is called as Sampraday.

The meaning of "Sampradaya" is derived as below:

  • Word "Sampradaya" is made of 2 upsargas i.e. "Sam" and "Pra" , a verb (Dhatu) "Da" and "Dhaj" pratyay.
  • Verb "Da" means "Daan"
  • Upsarga "Sam" means Samyak i.e. the Daan is given by the bhagwad aagya.
  • Upsaarga "Pra" means Prakarsh. This is because the daan of mantra is originated from Vedas.

How many sampradayas exist?

There are basically following main sampradayas existing:

  • Vaishnav Sampradays
  • Hiranyagarbh Sampradays
  • Shaiva Sampraday and others

If only Vaishnavas Sampradayas are asked then following are 4 vaishnava Sampradays existing:

Under the shelter and grace of Chaturbhuj Bhagwan Vishnu, there are four main Vaishnav Sampradays

  1. Rudra Sampraday
  2. Laxmi Sampraday
  3. Brahm Sampraday
  4. Sanakadik Sampraday

Which are the vaishnava sampradays?

The Vaishnav Sampraday's are following:

  • Rudra Sampraday (Vishnu Swami)
  • Laxmi Sampraday (Shree Sampraday)
  • Brahma Sampraday
  • Sanakadik Sampraday

At the end of Dwaparyuga, the non-orthodox antitheistic sampradayas like Kapaladik, Buddha and Jain also came into existence. They made the orthodox theistic and vedic sampradays weak. But due to grace of supreme lord, the great divine acharyas like Shree Vishnu Swami, Ramanujacharyaji, Madhvacharyaji, Nimbarkacharyaji re-established the vedic religion. The above four sampradayas are the main vasihnava sampradayas. The acharyas belonging to the respective sampradayas are given below:

  • Rudra sampraday – Shree Vishnuswami – Shree Vallabhacharyaji
  • Shree Sampraday – Shree Ramanujacharyaji
  • Brahma Sampraday – Shree Madhvacharyaji
  • Sanakadik Sampraday – Shree Nimbarkacharyaji

Why Sampradayas?

The aim of a sampraday is to impart Brahm-Gyan i.e. Knowledge of the supreme being. Through Brahm-Gyan, one can achieve Moksha and sadhan rupa and Fal Rupa Bhakti.

Note : Moksha here means to attain Bhajanand of Lord Shree Krishna

How does various Sampradays differ?

Sampradays differs from each other with respect to following: Rituals

  1. Symbols(Tilak Mudra, other Mudras, Mala)
  2. Sadhan (Puja, Seva)
  3. Fal (Sayugya etc and Bhajanand)
  4. Type of Bhakti (Saguna or Niguna Bhakti)
  5. The Principles (Dwaita, Advaita, Dwaitadvaita, Vishishtadwaita, Shuddha-advaita)

Since how long Pushti Sampraday exists?

Sampradays appears in each Kalp and are flourished by Brahm himself.These Sampradays exists from the primitive stage. They are not created nor destroyed. They appear from Brahm and disappears again in Brahm himself. Vaishnava Sampradayas are in existence since the primitive stage of universe.

Who is the Acharya of Sampraday?

The characteristics of the Acharya of the sampraday are mentioned in the Padmapurana. According to it, the one who studies numerable branches of Veda, who is the dikshit of all yagyas (Sacred Sacrifices), the one who has taken birth in pure Brahmin Family but who is not a vaishnav cannot become the Acharya of the Sampraday or Guru.

If the question is about Pushtimarg Sampraday then the below is the Acharya Parampara of Pushti Sampraday:

Please tell me the Acharya Parampara (Acharya Lineage) of your Sampraday

  • Shree Adi Purushottam
  • Mahadevji
  • Narad Muni
  • Shree Krushna
  • Guru Vyas
  • Shuk Devji
  • Shree Vishnuswami
  • His Disciple Mahayogi Bilvamangal
  • Shreemad Vallabhacharya Mahaprabhu

The above-mentioned lineage is taken from Shandilya Samhita.

What is the relation between Shuddha-adhvaita Brahmvaad and Pushtimarg?

Shuddha-advaita Brahmvaad is the theory about swaroop of Brahm propounded first by Vishnuswami wherein it is believed that the Universe that have appeared before and infinite period is constituted by Brahm itself. The cause and the effect (result) i.e. Jagat, Jiva and Jad is also Brahm itself. This theory was again proved and made strong and propounded by Shree vallabhacharyaji. While Pushtimarg is the independent thinking of shree Vallabhacharyaji which is the devotional path of grace to attain Shree Krushna in the simplest way. Shree Vallabhacharyaji from Shreemad Bhagwat Mahapuran establishes the pushtimarg.


S atsiddhanta M artanda by Bharat Martand Pandit Shree Gattulalaji